Find a Professional on MHVillage

MHVillage can help you to find a professional solution.
Real estate agent to present the property (house) to customer.

Find a professional on MHVillage

How can a Professional help?

Selling Your Home?

  • A professional seller can assist in the sale of your home in a few different areas. They can offer additional marketing for your home, effectively price your home for its market or even help with scheduling and managing open houses. Keep in mind, if you find a professional, their assistance in the sale typically requires a financial commission. So you want to negotiate that cost before entering into any contract or agreement.

First Time Buying a Home?

  • Looking for your next home with the assistance of a professional seller may be the most efficient option in your area. Not only would they have current information on available homes, they also would be an asset when it comes to price negotiation or paper work.

Looking for a Specific Community?

  • While the communities on our site have listings, if they also have available inventory they will have a “Sales Center” page that will show you all of the homes they are selling. This is great if you know the community you want to move to and would like to buy directly from them instead of via a home owner or outside professional.

Buying a New Home?

  • For new homes, finding a retailer and shopping through their inventory online is a great first step. This way you have an idea of home style, and price before contacting the company.

How do you find a Professional on MHVillage?

Select the “Find a Retailer” option included on the left side of our site:Take the first step to Find a Professional Seller on MHV

Search tool on MHV to help you find a Professional Seller

From here you simply enter the city or geographical area of interest. The results will list the professional Sales Center pages for all of the professionals in that area.

Looking for a referral?

We have a great tool that allows you to include what you are looking for and then we will send it to three professionals in your area. They can contact you directly if they have homes you might be interested in. This option is at the bottom of the “Find a Retailer” form.

You may also notice some of the professionals have a “Pro+” label. This simply means that this professional has enhanced their listing to give you more information on MHVillage. Additionally, they typically include a link to they company website.

If you have any additional questions about buying or selling your manufactured homes please contact us for more information! 

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