Photos Photos Photos!


We have been talking with our home buyers on MHV and their number one request is: “More home photos please!”

Statistically, we have found that listings with more than 30 home photos receive 25% more clicks to view than similar homes with fewer home photos

In other words, there really is no such thing as too many good home photos! The important word being “good”. While your bathroom might have really lovely tile, and you may have recently replaced the shower curtain, there are only so many good angles you can capture of this space.

However, the exterior of the home, the layout of the living spaces, the community the home is in, these are all areas that have a variety of different angles which would be very beneficial to your buyer.  You would be surprised how quickly you can surpass that 30 photos mark!

Here are some listings on MHVillage that have many photos – and also have a sale pending.

Photos on MHVillage home listing

More photos is better


Pro tip: Try having your first photo be of the exterior of the home since if the buyer was coming to see it, that would be their first impression in person too.

Home photo on MHVillageThe best first photo is the exterior of the home. If possible remove clutter and cars, and try to fill the shot with as much of the home as you can – you want a minimum of sky and road.

The goal is to give the customer the experience of walking through the home when they are scrolling through the pictures. Remember, home buyers might be moving from a different state. So it is important that they get to experience the home in this medium as close to in person as possible.

Hopefully these few tips will help you be able to present your home to the perfect buyer – because after all, you only need one buyer to close the deal!

If you have any questions about your listing on our site, give us a call or send us an email.

We are happy to help!

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