MHVillage Home Seller Tips: Home Description


How do you describe your home?

Similar to putting an ad in a newspaper, when you advertise your home online you need to include all of the valuable home information. The perfect space for this? The Home Description section!

“But I’m not a professional, can’t I just list the basics?”

Too often on our site we see professionals and individuals alike using the description section incorrectly. They either simply list items that come with the home, or worse yet, they don’t enter anything at all.

Here is an actual description on MHVillage:

A short description on MHVillage

As you can see, using this space to list items doesn’t give the buyer the best impression of your home. You want to make it easy for a buyer to fall in love with your home, by giving them all of the information they might want ahead of time.

Here are some tips on writing an effective home description:

Tour the home

The most effect use of this section is to write in a way that walks the home buyer through the home, as if they were taking an in -person tour with you.

What do YOU like about the home?

When walking the buyer through the home, be sure to point out any favorite details. Describe the home’s location if it’s on a lot that has a beautiful view. Or maybe the bedroom closets are large and include built-in storage? By including these personal details you’re able to show the buyer what it might be like to live there day-to-day. This helps create an emotional appeal for the buyer rather than relying exclusively on logistical or technical details.

Outline community information

If the home is in a community, describe the community’s amenities (pool, gym, library) or any resident activities or events. If the home is on private land, describe the surrounding area (shopping malls, grocery stores, schools near by).

Offer available financing options

If your community offers financing options, you can connect with your manager for information to include within your description. Or if you know of some local lending options, include their contact information. This helps because you’re giving your buyer the tools to buy your home.

Include when and how they can reach you

If you are busy during the day or if you prefer email versus phone calls, be sure to include those details at the end of the description. This way the buyer knows when best to reach you with additional questions.

Can I change my description once I list the home?

Yes! You can enter and edit your home description at any time. The home listings on our site let you control your ad.

If you have any additional questions about listing your home on MHVillage be sure and contact our customer service! 

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