Introducing MHVillage Appointment Scheduling

At MHVillage, we’re working constantly to improve your experience on the nation’s #1 website for buying, selling, and renting manufactured homes. That’s why we have an exciting announcement to share with you about a new feature added to 

Starting today, MHVillage users can directly request a tour of homes, communities, or dealers they’re interested in and reach out directly to sellers and communities with our new appointment scheduling feature. 

 As an MHVillage user, this new feature is quite literally as easy as 1, 2, 3: 

1: Select Your Preferred Date and Time

From the webpage for the home, community, or dealer you’re interested in, select your preferred date and time and click the “Request a Tour” button. Then, you’ll fill out a simple form where you can request your in-person tour and provide the seller or community with your contact information and more information about your request. 

2: Wait for Confirmation from the Seller 

After you submit your request, the seller, community, or dealer will receive your request and reach out to you directly to confirm your appointment. 

NOTE: the seller will contact you BEFORE your appointment is finalized. Do not visit the home, community, or dealer for your appointment until it has been confirmed with the seller. 

3: Finalize the Details 

Once the appointment is confirmed, you’ll receive a notification from the seller, community, or dealer with all the necessary details for your tour. 

Our all-new appointment scheduling feature makes it easier than ever to live the manufactured home lifestyle. 

Ready to try this feature out for yourself? Search for homes or parks on MHVillage today to set up a tour and kickstart your manufactured home buying journey! 

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