Looking to Sell Your Mobile Home?
Spring is a great time to sell your mobile home. The weather is good mostly everywhere. Mobile home buyers are ready to make a change. So, if you are too, let’s take a look at the best ways to go about selling your mobile home during the spring.
And, let’s face it, the mobile home market is especially hot as people start going outside more and the school year starts to wind down!

Initial Questions You May Have About Selling A Mobile Home
How long does it take to sell a mobile home?
Well, it depends. And it depends on quite a few factors. Think of it this way… if you have a home for sale in Des Moines, will it sell quickly? It can be a bit counterintuitive, but perhaps your mobile home in Des Moines will sell faster than one in Miami because there are fewer mobile homes for buyers to consider? But, maybe the mobile home for sale in Miami is newer, and near the water. You see where we’re going here…
But, we’re here to help. So take a look at the next couple of questions and answers. And keep the 20-Point Mobile Home Selling Checklist handy. If you can work through some of these solutions, you’ll be in pretty good shape going about selling your mobile home!
Who wants to buy my mobile home?
One of the most important factors in selling anything is to know your audience. Are you selling a mobile home in a community, or selling a pet-friendly home? There are many benefits to knowing your audience and selling a mobile home with a strategic plan.
What can I do differently if I need to sell my mobile home fast?
This is the best way we can think to answer the question above about how long your home sale might take. Our handy checklist goes into detail on how to sell your home. However, there are some strategies to employ if you want to or expect to sell your mobile home fast.
What do I do to prepare my home for sale if I don’t have a lot to spend?
Yes, the budget is always an important consideration. This is especially true when you’re spending money on something you’re going to sell and leave behind. But it is possible to save money while remodeling a mobile home, while also adding significant value. Especially if those improvements are for a mobile home you want to sell.
Can I get some tips on taking photos of my mobile home?
Fortunately, technology is on your side. Most smartphones today have high-quality cameras that are easy to use. Pay attention to lighting. Keep a steady hand or use a tripod. Take a lot of photos so you have a variety to choose from. Taking great photos of your mobile home is one of the primary steps you can take toward successfully selling a manufactured home.
With that said, let’s get on to what your potential buyers will see in those great photos of your mobile home.
20-Point Mobile Home Seller’s Checklist
Before we begin, for those looking to sell during any season other than spring, you’ll want to read our universal guide for how to sell a mobile home. But without further ado, let’s get into it.
Spring Checklist Item # 1 – Curb Appeal
One of the first things a buyer will notice about your home is the yard. Trim overgrown trees and bushes. Rake those leaves left over from last year. Edge the lawn. And stow those toys and the yard equipment to keep a clean fresh look that really represents the spring season.
Spring Checklist Item #2 – Welcome Home
Invite buyers into your home with a well-kept entry. Wipe away those smudges and fingerprints around the door handle. Use some touch-up paint on the trim. Remember to either use the original paint can or color match to ensure you’re not making more work than anticipated. Also, put a nice welcome mat by the door or a potted plant if you have room on your steps. These little things will let the buyer know you care about the appearance of your mobile home. It’s also a clue that you are selling a mobile home that has been maintained well.
Spring Checklist Item #3 – Let Them See the Light
Spring offers a fresh new light. Let that play to your advantage. Wash your windows and screens to let spring inside your home. Make sure the windows open easily and remove storm windows. Remember to open the blinds and curtains before buyers arrive so the home is light and bright!
Spring Checklist Item #4 – Kitchen
Many buyers see the kitchen as the most important room in the house. They will notice spills, mismatched or missing hardware, and damaged or worn appliances. Remember to clean the exterior and interior of all appliances and wash the face of all cabinet doors. You may also want to replace old hardware on cabinets to give your kitchen a quick facelift.
Spring Checklist Item #5 – Keep it Fresh
Don’t let your buyers get distracted by an unusual odor in your home – make sure it smells fresh. About a half hour before the potential buyer arrives, try boiling a pot of cinnamon sticks, burning candles or potpourri, or baking cookies to provide a light, pleasant scent. Maybe snip or purchase some fresh spring flowers for the dining table.
Spring Checklist Item #6 – The Driveway
If you have a driveway, show it off. Make sure the driveway is clear when a buyer comes through your home. This means moving your car so space is open. When a potential buyer parks their car in your driveway, it’s a big step toward that person envisioning themselves living in the home — And that’s what you want! Clear leaves and dirt from the concrete pad. Also, you want to pull weeds from the cracks, and perhaps spray something to prevent them from coming up again as you’re selling your home in the spring season.
Spring Checklist Item #7 – Bathrooms
Bathrooms are right behind kitchens in what buyers rank as the most important rooms in the mobile home. Make sure your bathrooms are super clean! This means scrubbing the floors, tile, shower, and toilet to remove all dirt and stains. Display fresh towels, preferably with a seasonal theme. And put out guest soaps in each bathroom when buyers are present. Again, make sure the way you’re selling a mobile home allows the buyer to envision living there.
Spring Checklist Item #8 – Give Them Some Space
Give potential buyers space to walk through the home. If a real estate agent shows the house, leave for a couple of hours so the buyer feels more comfortable shopping what you have to offer. If you show the home, let the buyers know they are welcome to look around, and take a step back. You can be in the other room or just outside if they have any questions.
Spring Checklist Item #9 – Clean the Carpets
Pets, children, and even day-to-day life — especially during winter — can leave your carpet looking worn or stained. Now that it’s spring, get the grime out. Have your carpets professionally cleaned. Or rent an industrial cleaner from a nearby retailer. Check that you’re getting the carpets clean by comparing what you’ve done with some of that fresh carpet that is under a cabinet or other piece of furniture. This approach will remove odor and stains, making the carpet look years younger, especially when selling a used mobile home. Each step you take to brighten the place and create a fresh, open look will help you as you go about selling your manufactured home.
Spring Checklist Item #10 – Cut the Clutter
Every item in a room takes up space and makes it feel smaller. No one wants to envision themselves living in a cluttered home. Throw out stacks of newspapers and magazines. Pack away family photos, collectible items, knickknacks, and souvenirs. This will not only make the room feel bigger, but it also helps the buyer to see the home as “theirs” instead of “yours”. It also makes for much better photographs to use in a listing when selling a mobile home.
Spring Checklist Item #11 – Furniture
Similar to Tip #10, you should also beware of how much furniture is in each room of your mobile home. Take a room full of furniture and add a family of potential buyers walking through – is there enough room for everyone? Keep furniture at a minimum so that traffic flows well and rooms do not appear smaller than they are.
Spring Checklist Item # 12 – Closet Space
If a buyer opens a closet door and sees it packed with clothes, shoe boxes, and hats, they may think the closet is too small to meet their needs. Store winter clothing, boots, and winter sporting equipment so the remaining items fit with room to spare. This will make the closet in a mobile home you’re selling appear much larger.
Spring Checklist Item #13 – Lighten Up
When it comes to painting the walls of your mobile home, touching up stained or chipped walls with a light, neutral color can really lighten things up. A clean slate allows the buyer to picture the decorating possibilities. Also, replace interior light bulbs with the highest wattage safe for each fixture. This will increase the springy, bright feeling of the home.
Spring Checklist Item #14 – Pet Control
While your pets are a very important part of your life, others may not feel the same way. Remember to remove pets from the home before a potential buyer comes to visit. At least keep them in the yard during a showing. If they must stay in the home, try putting them in a crate while the potential buyers are there.
Spring Checklist Item #15 – Green House Effect
Consider buying a few potted plants and placing them around your home. A few well-placed flowers and plants will brighten the room and make it more inviting. And remember, take advantage of the spring season. Tuck away the mums and place some yellow daffodils at a focal point within the home!
Spring Checklist Item #16 – Ask for Help
Ask a friend or family member to walk through your house as a buyer might. Tell them to be critical, look for anything a discerning homebuyer might mention. The second set of eyes while selling a mobile home may come across something you missed. This will provide you a better chance for success in selling your manufactured home.
Spring Checklist Item #17 – Fix the Easy Stuff
Make minor repairs to areas that can create a bad impression. Small problems such as sticky doors, torn screens, cracked caulking, or a dripping faucet may seem trivial. However, these minor flaws give buyers the impression that the home isn’t well maintained. Do your best to “wow” a potential buyer with all the great things about your home. One great way to do that is to pare down on the problem areas when selling a mobile home.
Spring Checklist Item #18 – Storage Area Clutter
Basements, garages, and sheds accumulate not only clutter but junk. These areas should be as empty as possible so that buyers can imagine what they would do with the space. Consider doing some deep spring cleaning. Rent a storage area, if you have to, for larger items. Or conduct a spring yard sale for items that are unnecessary.
Spring Checklist Item #19 – To Do List
When you get a call that a buyer wants to come through your house today, do you know what needs to be done? If you really want to sell your mobile home, make a to-do list with some of the tips we’ve provided. This will allow you to keep organized and quickly vacuum, dust, open shades, set out guest towels, sweep walkway, bring Sparky to the neighbors… You would hate to show your home to a potential buyer only to realize you forgot to do something that could have been easily handled.
Spring Checklist Item #20 – Be Prepared for the Sale
When an offer comes in, will you be ready? Now is the time to decide what items are included in the sale and consult with the community manager, if you are a community resident, to see if there are any restrictions new owners will need to know about. Also, you should research how mobile home titles are transferred in your area (typically through the Department of Housing or Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles).
Ready to start attracting potential buyers? Get started by listing your home with MHVillage, the nation’s #1 active website for manufactured housing.