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How to Do an Annual Insurance Review (and Why You Need One)

Mobile home insurance costs and coverage
Write a list of all valuable possessions, and document where they're covered in each of your policies.

The Value of an Annual Insurance Review

Annual Insurance Review Home Insurance
Get the right amount of home insurance for you.

We can all agree insurance is an important tool available to protect us when life gets tough. We can also agree that insurance plans can be complicated and difficult to understand without an agent or someone who specializes in the industry. Being a responsible adult is challenging, but like death and taxes, it’s another thing we can’t stop from happening. Doing an annual insurance review is one of those tasks that goes undiscussed, but is essential to safeguard your home.

According to U.S. News and World Report, 18 percent of people have documentation for their belongings and only one in five in the United States make an adjustment after a major purchase or going through a dramatic life change. For something so essential to your financial health and protection, that’s not a lot of people.

When you buy a manufactured home, becoming a homeowner statistic doesn’t have to happen. By doing an annual review, you can best protect your finances, home, assets and yourself. Not sure why you need one or where to start? We’ve got some ideas for you.

Annual Insurance Review Health and Wellness

Get Connected With a Professional Insurance Agent

Nobody knows how to navigate home insurance better than an agent. They are well-versed in insurance jargon, fine print, excessive paperwork, financials and the current state of home ownership trends. So, how do you find the right one for you? There are plenty of agents who are ready to help. Some agents are through a well-known company, while others are independent. By going independent, you have the benefit of being able to compare different quotes and policies, while going through a business provides stability with its procedures. There are places to get a quote for mobile home insurance that allow you to do your research ahead of time.

Look for Gaps in Coverage During Your Annual Insurance Review

Annual Insurance Review ValueLike any home, manufactured home values go up and down. And, with that, you’ll need to look into your home insurance to see if it matches your home value. The housing market changes constantly, and evolves. An annual review will keep you up with those housing trends. For example, if you have not had a review and your home value goes up, or you’ve been remodeling your manufactured home, your insurance will only cover the home’s worth from when it was purchased. If the unthinkable happens, there will be a gap in coverage that could prove costly.

Consider How Your Finances and Assets Have Changed

If your finances have gone up or down in recent years, it’s time for a review. Determine your net worth and compare it with your current insurance policy. As mentioned above, look for gaps. If your yearly income increased, you may not be protected enough in your policy. Likewise, if you’ve had a recent decrease, you may be paying too much for your policy. This doesn’t just include your yearly income, though. Any assets gained or removed should be considered as well. These items might include:

  • precious jewelry
  • automobiles
  • furniture
  • and financial accounts like savings
  • bonds
  • CDs

In fact, a third of Americans don’t even know the value of their possessions. To protect yourself and your belongings, review anything that has changed over time so you can hit that insurance sweet spot.

Annual Insurance Review Calculator
Calculate the value of all of your property, your car and home included, to make sure your insurance coverage matches the value.

Look into bundling your policies

Homeowners insurance isn’t the only option out there. There also is life insurance, health insurance and car insurance. To make life easier, it is common for car insurance to be bundled together with your homeowners insurance. Bundling is not only an easy way to consolidate, streamline and keep track of your policies, but it also helps you save money. People who look into bundling often save five to 25 percent on their insurance plan. Have your agent help you go over your plans and see which ones make the most sense to bundle.

Lindsay Patton-Carson is a writer and content and social media manager based in Philadelphia. As a trained journalist for over a decade, Lindsay has accumulated bylines on publications that include PhillyVoice, One Green Planet, Girlboss, Care2, The Huffington Post and Bust to name a few. Lindsay currently works for PiperWai Natural Deodorant and manages social media platforms for Animal Avengers and Miles for Migraine. She loves animals, pop culture, tweeting nonsense, David Bowie, spending time laughing with her husband and cuddling with her dogs. (On the off chance they’re behaving.)

Community Owners Offer Assistance for Veterans in Need

Veterans Assistance Fund Crocketts check
Barbara and Aaron Crockett hold up a donated check for $3,000 from SECO's Veterans Assistance Fund that helped to pay for a new air conditioning unit at their Florida home.

SECO Offers Financial Assistance for Veterans

A new fund to provide assistance for veterans in need sprouted from a group of small- to midsize community owners in the southeast. The fund’s first recipient is a former Marine who the community owners simply wanted to help breathe a bit better.

The Southeast Community Owners announced the new program during its annual conference last fall. And, at the beginning of the year, the fund awarded Aaron and Barbara Crockett with a much-needed upgrade to their home.

SECO’s Veterans Assistance Fund is designed to give financial assistance for veterans living in mobile home communities.

A New AC and Heat Unit

Veterans Assistance Fund Installer
An installer sets up the new Carrier AC and heating unit that will help control the climate and ease Aaron Crockett’s breathing.

SECO contributed $3,000 toward a new air conditioning and heating unit for the Crocketts’ manufactured home in Wildwood Country Resort in Wildwood, Fla.

The Crocketts’ new AC and heat unit, installed in January, will help Aaron with his breathing problems. Aaron, now 80, served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1956 to 1967. He currently suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema, along with kidney problems. He also has survived bladder cancer.

His breathing problems are at least partially from exposure to jet fuel. Aaron Crocket was a flight engineer and mechanic in the Marines. Aaron’s doctor told him a new, filtered AC unit that steadied the humidity level inside his home would help him breathe.

The Crocketts’ manufactured home, built in the early 1980s, still had the original AC unit and duct work. Replacing it cost about $5,500. Paying the full cost would have been extremely difficult for the couple, and probably would have delayed the project significantly, Barbara said.

“We’re eternally grateful for SECO’s help,” she said. “I don’t know how we would have done this without it.”

How SECO and the Crocketts Connected

Veterans Assistance Fund AC Unit
The old AC unit that came with the Crockett’s mid-1980s home in Wildwood Country Resort.

The Crocketts came to SECO’s attention via Charles Frey, one of the owners of Wildwood Country Resort. Frey knew Aaron was a veteran, and that he and Barbara needed a new AC unit.

When one of his business partners handed him a SECO newsletter and he read about the Veterans Assistance Fund, Frey thought he’d found a great way to help the long-time residents of his park.

“It couldn’t be going to a nicer couple,” Frey said. “The Crocketts are well thought of in this community.”

How the SECO Veterans Assistance Fund Came to Be

David Roden, SECO co-founder and owner of Mountain View Estates in Rossville, Ga., started the Veterans Assistance Fund with Ron Cobb, Dave Jackson, Steve Quick, Blake Hodge, Max Baker, Steve Case, and Maryuri Barberan. The idea came about after Roden encountered a U.S. military veteran who lived in his park. The veteran used an oxygen machine, and had trouble breathing during the heat of summer. He needed help to buy an air conditioner for his living room.

SECO is a nonprofit 501(c)3 that serves the needs of small- and mid-size community owners with its annual conference. More than 400 community owners attended the 2018 conference in Atlanta.

While the catalyst for the program and the initial awardee are both veterans who require climate control upgrades to breathe better, recipients can be considered for a variety of reasons.

Perhaps there’s a need for a handicap-accessible toilet, or a wheelchair ramp, or grab bars. The veteran in need of assistance can apply for funding through the community operator associated with the SECO organization. An executive committee for the Veterans Assistance Fund reviews all applications and comes to consensus on what requests receive funding.

Veterans are required to furnish proof of an honorable discharge from the military. Widows of veterans also qualify for aid, Roden said.

Funds from the SECO website’s Classified Ads section and donations from SECO business and community owners have provided about $3,000 of seed money so far, Roden said.

Veterans Assistance Fund Wildwood
Wildwood Country Resort in Wildwood, Fla.

How to Give or Apply for the Veterans Assistance Fund

Spencer Roane, owner of Pentagon Properties and co-founder of SECO, said the fund “reflects the attitude of small community owners everywhere of helping those who have served our country through military service.”

“We hope that those owners who attend the SECO conference will submit requests to provide any assistance whatsoever to the veteran residents of their communities,” Roane said.

For more information about the Veterans Assistance Fund, send an email to contact (at) Those interested also can email Maryuri Barberan at maryuri (at), or call her at (404) 355-5978.

Roden said he hopes the fund’s first gift will help Aaron Crockett breathe a little easier. SECO’s leadership includes many veterans of the U.S. armed forces. They want to use the fund to help more of their fellow veterans.

Your Top 6 Manufactured and Mobile Home Questions Answered

Manufactured and mobile home Q&A

Q&A on Manufactured and Mobile Home Ownership

MHVillager has done a lot of deep dives into specific mobile and manufactured home questions. For this post, we’ve decided to take a step back and look at a few of the oft-asked questions we hear.

Manufactured and Mobile Home Fleetwood
A new Fleetwood Home from the Sandalwood Series, shown at The Tunica Show in 2018.

1. How much does it cost to buy a manufactured home?

Manufactured and Mobile Home Interior
The interior of a 2018 home from Legacy Homes.

In recent years, according to MHVillage data the average price of a manufactured home hovered around $75,000. The average sales price in September 2018 was $83,600. The average price that month of a new single-wide home was $54,400; a new double-wide home, $105,400. Pre-existing homes can be purchased at a great range of prices. In some markets, homes are available for as little as $2,000. Existing homes can be purchased for about $10,000 in most markets.

2. How many people live in mobile homes?

Over 22 million Americans live in mobile and manufactured homes. Manufactured housing nears 10 percent of all new U.S. homes, up from 7 percent in recent years. It also is the country’s greatest source of unsubsidized affordable housing.

Sunshine manufactured and mobile home
A new home from Sunshine Homes.

3. How can I get a loan for a mobile home?

Buyers looking to get a loan for a mobile home have several options to consider. And the list seems to be growing. There are specific loan types for buyers who have interest in just the home without land, as well as home-on-land purchases, construction-to-permanent loans and other varieties of financing. Also, mobile and manufactured home financing increasingly is being backed by secondary markets, through Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the VA, and USDA.

4. Where can I buy a mobile home?

Legacy Homes Mobile and manufactured homes
The entry of a Legacy Home with roofline dormer.

There are a few different ways you can go about purchasing a mobile home. Through a mobile home dealer, through a mobile home park, or by finding mobile homes for sale by owner through MHVillage’s home searching system.

Before buying a home, to ensure that you’ve found the right one, make sure to read “How to Buy a Mobile Home”

5. How can I extend the life of my mobile home?

Home maintenance for many is a troubling thought. Not all of us are handy with power tools and building materials. However, there are actions that can be taken to extend the life of your mobile home without going beyond your comfort level or breaking your budget.

manufactured and mobile home living room Champion
A new Champion Home at Tunica 2018.

6. Can I rent a mobile home?

MHVillage has some great search tools on our site, where you can sort and filter to only show homes or communities that have rental options available. See how you can easily find a mobile home to rent.

BONUS!: Insurance

One last thought, this one about insurance. Whether you rent or own, risk management, in the form of insurance, is a key component to the financial well-being of all manufactured home residents.

Read more of the most frequently asked questions about mobile and manufactured homes.

10 Manufactured Housing Communities Perfect for Skiers

manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers extreme downhill
There are manufactured home communities near ski resorts fit for varying skill levels, from New York to Utah and elsewhere.

For winter sports enthusiasts, living near a favorite ski destination would be a dream come true

There’s no such thing as “winter blues” when there’s a top-notch ski resort nearby. Currently, there are 472 ski resorts in the United States and an estimated 22.5 million people who skied or snowboarded in 2017. For invested skiers, their housing choice often depends on its proximity to a high-quality resort. With so many beautiful manufactured housing communities in the U.S., it’s not too hard to find one near a destination ski resort. So, take a look at these 10 recommendations for manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers.

manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers destinations
Find your ski destination and a nearby manufactured home community with great amenities.

Crescentwood Village

Let’s start out with Crescentwood Village, an all-ages community that offers multiple amenities like a swimming pool, clubhouse, basketball courts, playground and recreational facilities. With a short 45-minute commute to Alta Ski Resort, residents can enjoy an active lifestyle at Crescentwood or on the slopes. Established in 1938, Alta Ski Resort boasts that it’s the best skiing in Utah. In other words, if you have a strict preference for skiing, this will be a great resort for you. Crescentwood disallows any other winter recreation on the slopes, making it one of three mountains in the United States that’s ski only.

Lazy Glen Mobile Home Park

Lazy Glen Mobile Home Park is a picturesque, all-ages community that’s a 21-minute drive from Aspen Snowmass. The ski area is not just a place to hit the slopes, but it works to invest in the environment that supports Aspen Snowmass. The Colorado resort uses green energy, releases sustainability reports and offers educational information on supporting the surrounding community and its environment. Sounds like a business worth supporting in an area that is breathtaking and community oriented.

manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers trick jump
Jump into a manufactured home community near some of the best ski resorts in the U.S.

Sleepy Bear Mobile Home Park

Out of all the manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers we’ve rounded up, Sleepy Bear Mobile Home Park might just be the best out there. The community is only a seven-minute drive from Colorado’s Steamboat Resort, which is located in the mountain town of Steamboat Springs. The resort itself has 165 trails, close to 3,000 acres and 799 area ranches to explore. In summary, Steamboat Springs is an entire town that revolves around snowy fun.

manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers scenic view
Manufactured housing communities near skiing can provide some of the best views during any season.

Babcock Vista Mobile Home Park

Revel in Montana’s big, blue skies at home and on the slopes at Big Sky Ski Resort. (Wonder where they got that name from?) Like the state it resides in, Big Sky Ski resort is expansive with four mountains, 36 lifts and more than 300 runs. The slopes are an hour drive from Babcock Vista Mobile Home Park, an all-ages community that’s also accessible to nearby towns Bozeman and Belgrade. Want a little more adventure on the slopes? Big Sky offers headlamp night skiing with a guide Wednesday through Saturday.

manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers ski gear
Get your gear ready and consider some of these amazing communities near skiing.

Villa Blanca

This community is a must for anyone with an outdoorsy spirit. Located in Reno, Nev., Villa Blanca is only a 30-minute drive to Lake Tahoe and Mt. Rose. Perfectly situated at Tahoe’s highest base elevation, Mt. Rose’s views are a visual treat. In the warmer months, explore all the national parks available along the Nevada/California state line. Additionally, the location is a 20-minute drive to downtown Reno just in case you need a little taste of the city life. Villa Blanca itself also is accessible to nearby towns Sparks, Sun Valley and Verdi.

Quality Pines Manufactured Home Community

Again, if the East Coast is more your speed, check out Quality Pines Manufactured Home Community, 45 minutes from Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid, N.Y. If you’re really into adventure, Whiteface offers the largest vertical drop in the east and has 86 trails. If not, there are many options within Whiteface and Quality Pines. The all-ages community was built in 1975 and is accessible to nearby towns like Plattsburgh, West Chazy and Champlain, which hosts the famous Lake Champlain. Like being outdoors? Well, Quality Pines is in the perfect upstate New York location for outdoor adventure.

manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers boy on slopes
There are great all ages and active lifestyle manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers in destination spots throughout the U.S.

Verde Plaza

Located in Tucson, Ariz., Mt. Lemmon is best known as America’s southernmost ski resort. For ski enthusiasts who can’t choose between snow or sun, we recommend a move to Verde Plaza, where you can soak up the sun in the Sonoran Desert while having access to a 9,000-foot elevation ski mountain only an hour and a half away. In addition to close skiing proximity, this community is located across from Santa Cruz River Park, is close to downtown Tucson, has amenities like a pool, clubhouse, playground, hiking trails and more.

Lamplighter Mobile Home Park

Another option for those with an East Coast sensibility, Lamplighter Mobile Home Park is an all-ages community surrounded by New Hampshire forests, lakes, the Atlantic Ocean and of course, Mount Washington Resort. The mobile home park is 50 minutes away from the mountain, as well as an hour-and-a-half drive away from the ocean. But back to Mount Washington. The resort is a goldmine for winter adventure with skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, ice skating, sleigh rides, dog sledding, tubing, snowmobiling… whew, and that’s not even the entire list. The resort also has a spa on premises to soothe sore muscles or get away from the cold. So spoiled.

manufactured housing communities perfect for skiers snowboarding
Snowboarding, skiing and a variety of other winter sports await.

Fox Hills Mobile Home Park

For those looking to settle somewhere full of adventure, the Pacific Northwest has a lot to offer. And we mean a lot. Oregon is home to five national parks, bumps right against the Pacific Ocean and has Mt. Bachelor right in the middle of it all. The mountain is not only great for skiing, but offers summer activities like hiking, disc golf and educational forest talks. Just 30 minutes away is Fox Hills Mobile Home Park, an all-ages community built in 1996. With all that surrounds Fox Hills, chances are residents will have no trouble finding adventure nearby.

Lakeview Village Mobile Home Park

If you prefer walking to driving, Lakeview Village in Michigan has many opportunities to hit up area activities. Walk over to a restaurant. Or stroll to a favorite art gallery. Shop or head to Lake Charlevoix if you need a chance to get away. The all-ages community also offers amenities like RV/boat storage, basketball courts and a clubhouse. During the winter months, hop in your car and take the 13-minute drive to Boyne Mountain. Not only is there great skiing, but there also is an indoor water park for snow bunnies and non-snow bunnies alike.

8 Romantic Ideas for Decorating Your Manufactured Home

Romantic Ideas for Decorating Your Manufactured Home

Valentine’s Day-inspired Ideas for Decorating Your Manufactured Home — Spark Romance!

Valentine’s Day should be viewed as a romantic holiday that prompts more than the simple greeting card or box of candy, but rather serves as a celebration of love that easily can be fueled by a few romantic decorating ideas.

Romantic ideas for decorating your manufactured home can be implemented in every room, especially the rooms where your love might least expect a reminder of your appreciation and devotion.

From rose petals in the bedroom to heart-shaped garland in the laundry room, we have put together 8 romantic decorating ideas for your manufactured home.

1. Rose Petals and Flowers

Yes, rose petals sprinkled in the bedroom is a classic and not-so-subtle romantic gesture. However, petals left on the bloom are a more traditional and heartfelt approach.

Use flowers for decorating your manufactured home
Roses and rose petals are an ideal expression of love.

Do you know which type of flower your love most likes? If not, find out and find out soon. Perhaps ask a friend or family member who you can trust. Red roses are the long-held favorite for Feb. 14, but some might prefer yellow or pink. Let the recipient dictate, even if the choice is more gerber daisy than red rose. After all, creating a Valentine impression is about the recipient.

Buy flowers for a touch of color and elegance in every room, or at least as many as you can manage. And don’t forget about arrangements for porch or exterior of the home.

2. Everything You Want by Candlelight

Candles and romance go hand in hand, particularly as part of a centerpiece for a romantic holiday dinner. Whether you’ve done the cooking or ordered in, the staging for the dinner should be all you!

For the candles, buy a nice new item or two. Or if you’re the over-the-top type, collect every candle in the house and let the entire place flicker in lovely candlelight. If you are going with quantity, keep track of those scented candles so you don’t have them all going at once. The cacophony of aromas could be a bit unsettling even for the best of sports.

Kitchen decorating your manufactured home
Homemade placemats for your holiday dining are lively and expressive.

3. Pull out the Specialty Dining Set for Decorating Your Manufactured Home

Don’t let special occasions pass you by without digging out the specialty dining set as part of your effort toward romantic decorating ideas. If you’re fortunate like me, your significant other’s grandparents handed down a brilliant set of red glassware for special occasions. That’s sure to be a hit on Valentine’s Day. But think back to the last time you pulled out the fine china? Or even a simple change to the “old” dining set you used when you were a young couple could set forth some renewed emotion.

4. Let Some Poetry Set the Mood

Never put pen to paper for a poem? All the better! The best gifts are about surprise and delight. If you’re not the type of person to offer love letters, take advantage of that. Your unsuspecting mate will be thrilled even if you lack in eloquence what you’ve seemed to have gained in spontaneity.

Get a piece of notebook paper and begin by writing down short phrases that touch on what you love most about your partner, about places you’ve visited together, inside jokes, pet names or any other experience or idea shared mutually if not exclusively together. When you see the list of phrases build up to, say, a dozen or so, perhaps a pattern will appear. Harness that as inspiration and begin to build a poem around that idea.

If you’re really not feeling the role of the romantic poet, do some web research and find your favorite romantic poems or short-short stories. Cut and paste it for printing to some beautiful paper, in a lavish but readable font, and place them in strategic places throughout the home. What better way to go about decorating your manufactured home than using poetic language? Maybe create a stand for one on the dining table. Or lay them out with the rose petals. Pick one or two to read aloud. And if you really want to create something new, with a little help, take a look at this free love poem generator.

Homemade crafts decorating your manufactured home
Items found around the house can be put to good use for decorating your manufactured home on Valentine’s Day.

5. Decorating Your Manufactured Home in Hues of Red and Pink

There is a lot that goes into styling a home, but color may be tops among the many. No matter how balanced or textured your decorative touch may be, the impact can be lost without the right dose of color. For Valentine’s decorating ideas, sprinklings of red and pink will be a frontrunner.

Check the linen closets, storage containers and deep shelf spaces for color combinations that work. “I Love You More” throw pillows or avant-garde romantic art can serve as reminders of your romantic relationship and time-well-spent. Don’t overdo it, just sprinkle these “love artifacts” in a few thoughtful locations throughout to decorate your manufactured home.

Of course, anything that’s homemade, or created through inspiration provided by your favorite person, will carry the most weight. Get out the paint and wood blocks to begin your own collection of avant-garde romantic art. Make or adapt the candle holders. Or sew your own pillow covers.

Get creative in decorating your manufactured home

6. Put on the Love Tunes

Anytime there’s a special occasion that involves an audience, many of us immediately think “make a playlist”. In this case, you have a very important audience of one. Put together some music from your courtship or wedding day. Pick out some tunes from a recent show you’ve seen. Or gather up some new songs from an artist your mate appreciates most. Remember to create some “white noise” in the playlist. You want individual attention and conversation to flow freely. So, don’t overburden yourself with track after track of lyric-heavy love songs. Make sure to intersperse some acoustics tracks and orchestral movements, which can be lovely in their own right.

7. Sweet Treats for the One You Love

Not everyone wants chocolate for Valentine’s Day. OK, almost everyone wants chocolate for Valentine’s Day. But it doesn’t need to be the last-minute drug-store selection of labeled milk-chocolate in a box. Buy some strawberries or other fruit of choice. Buy some baker’s chocolate, also called melting chocolate. Put the chocolate in a saucepan over low heat and stir until creamy. Dip the fruits and lay them out to dry. Put them on a pink or red platter for display. Now you’re on to something!

8. What Jewels! (or other romantic gifts)

What is your main gift? The collection of lovelies you’ve created, from the color to the culinary treats, will serve as a cumulative surprise for your Valentine. However, if you have the time and resources, make a purchase or offering that will be the central impact of the celebration.

Remember, this is about providing someone you care about with something that garners great desire. This does not have to be the Hope Diamond of Valentine’s gifts. Rather, it should be a keepsake that your love can wear or reflect upon with admiration throughout the year.

decorating your manufactured home love book
Special crafts such as a homemade book detailing the ’52 Reasons I Love You’ are both a beautiful gift and wonderful home decor. Photo courtesy of Paper Vine.

Here is a great example of a homemade project. With a little time, thoughtfulness and love, you can create a small “52 Reasons I Love You” book that can be given as a gift and left in a special place for reflection and home decor.

So, regardless of what you have in mind, follow your heart and get out the construction paper and glue for a creation that will both delight your Valentine and spruce up your home for the holiday.

Clayton Commercial Speaks To Overlooked Homebuyers

Clayton Commercial Prefabulous® Home

High Quality, Well-Priced Prefabricated Homes are the Focus of Clayton Commercial on National Television

There is a bevy of overlooked homebuyers in the U.S. who want a new home at a good price. And Clayton Homes has a message for them.

Take a look at Prefabulous®.

Clayton Commercial Kitchen
Prefabricated homes come with new, state-of-the-art materials and appliances of the homebuyer’s choosing. Photos courtesy of Clayton Homes.

“This campaign was created to help more families realize they can attain a beautiful, quality home without sacrificing modern amenities.”

– Kevin Clayton, Clayton Homes

What is Prefabulous®?

Clayton, based in Maryville, Tenn., has launched a national TV campaign that ties together “prefab” homes and the “fabulous” value and lifestyle available to consumers. The company initiated the campaign during fall college football in 2017 and returns with a 60-second Prefabulous® commercial that will air nationwide.

The new Clayton commercial tells customers how the modern prefab home can meet the needs of today’s millennial and Baby Boomer buyers in particular. Buyers can expect a new home built quickly, to high-efficiency standards, with gadgets and amenities that are sure to please. All for a price that’s well below the national median for a site-built home with land.

Clayton Homes Answers the Housing Crisis

Clayton Commercial Family Needs
The new Prefabulous® Clayton Commercial addresses the needs of overlooked homebuyers and their families.

The average price of a new site-built home in 2019 is about 300,000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Whereas, prefab homes offer an attainable solution starting under $200,000 in most markets plus cost of land.

“There really is a deficit of available homes for families today,” Clayton VP of Retail Marketing Carl Hill said during a behind-the-scenes mini documentary on the Clayton commercial.

New homes built off-site come at a lower cost because of the efficiencies involved with a climate-controlled facility. So, there are fewer, if any, weather delays. Builders can buy in bulk, passing on cost savings to customers. Also, the production line nature of building inside takes less effort and less time for carpenters, plumbers and electricians, for instance. Buyers get the benefit of all the same trade labor from outdoor builds but with the added advantage of that builder operating in a clean, dry place.

As a result, each prefab home comes to the customer with less damage and less waste than its site-built counterpart.

“The way we build our homes is not just different,” Hill said. “But it’s a smarter way to build.”

Where Do Clayton Homes Come From?

Clayton Homes, one of the largest home builders in the country, is a Berkshire Hathaway company and has 40 homebuilding locations in the United States. Additionally, Clayton sells homes through a national network of Clayton Home Centers, as well as in partnership with independent home dealers.

Clayton VP of Marketing Mike Duncan said all materials seen in the commercial came from Clayton homebuilding facilities. This allowed producers to re-create a Prefabulous home for the set.

Available prefab home features:
  • Permanent foundation with porch
  • Open floor plan concept
  • Upgraded all-wood cabinets and farmhouse sink
  • ecobee3 lite smart thermostat and energy efficient appliances
  • Wide plank flooring and drywall interior
Clayton Commercial Factory Built Home
A new Prefabulous® Clayton Home on private land looks to change the perception of what factory-built means.

The Slick New TV Commercial From Clayton Homes

The Clayton commercial takes the viewer inside the set of a home building facility. The viewer follows a family through a beautiful Clayton Built® home as it’s being constructed, highlighting high-end features and modern design.

“Homes built off-site offer higher quality, more value and a smart solution to the affordable housing crisis in America,” said Kevin Clayton, CEO of Clayton Homes. “This campaign was created to help more families realize they can attain a beautiful, quality home without sacrificing modern amenities.

“Off-site construction can make the dream of homeownership a reality by leveraging innovative building practices, automation and bulk purchasing power,” he said.

Building in a factory provides unique access to quality housing at a variety of income levels.

“Clayton is uniquely positioned to bridge the affordability gap using both on-site and off-site home construction methods,” said Clayton. “Our goal as a company and industry is to democratize luxury and provide attainable homeownership for all families.”

All About Mobile Home Property Taxes

Mobile Home Taxes Calculation
Understand what mobile home taxes you may owe, depending on where you live.

Who Pays Mobile Home Property Taxes?

Property taxes for a mobile home must be paid by the owner of the home. But are they paying personal property tax or real estate tax? If you own the home but not the land, you likely will pay personal property tax to the state motor vehicle department. However, some states, such as Michigan, require no annual tax for factory-built homes. Often, in lieu of annual taxes, the state will levy a tax at the time of the manufactured or mobile home purchase.

On the other hand, if you own the land the home is on as well as the home, you will pay your real estate tax bill. The bill should be paid to the local government where your home is located.

What’s the Difference Between Property and Real Property Taxes?

Mobile home taxes can be classified a couple of different ways depending on the land beneath the home. Real property, or real estate, is taxed at a rate determined by the taxing authority within the local government. The tax on the home and the property is paid together based on the assessed value of the property. With personal property tax only the assessed value of the home itself is considered for taxation.

Personal property tax can be levied on myriad items — including jewelry, art, furniture and other household goods. However, taxation on personal items is determined by the local taxation authority where you and your belongings reside.

Mobile Home Taxes Community Living
Lakeside Village in Greenville, Mich.

Taxes for a Mobile Home in a Community

If you live in a community and pay a monthly lot rent, the owner of the community makes tax payments. The estimated tax may be figured into your lot rent, too. So you may be paying the tax, but won’t have to worry about making the payment deadline.

However, some states allow homeowners who pay lot rent to claim those payments as a tax deduction on their annual tax returns. Check with you tax accountant or look up laws for your state pertaining to lot lease payments.

Some states assess a fee to park owners that is collected monthly at a set rate per homesite to help fund school districts and public libraries, for instance. Again in Michigan, the state fee is being studied for a possible increase.

When and How Do I Pay Mobile Home Taxes?

If you’re paying personal property tax on just the home, you likely will pay taxes yearly. It differs from state to state. But most motor vehicle offices require payment on the anniversary for when the home sale was recorded. Or on the birth date of the homeowner. If you pay real property taxes, for the home and the land, the payment likely comes due to the local government at the beginning of each new year, or in summer and winter depending on where you live. However, if you have a mortgage on the land and home, there may be an escrow account set up by the lender for your mobile or manufactured home that gets fed a portion of the taxes when you make your monthly mortgage payment. In that case, your lender will make the payment for you from the escrow account.

8 Tips for Staying Warm in the Coldest Weather Months

Stay warm in a mobile home in the woods

These Are The Extra Steps You Can Take to Stay Warm

How to Stay Warm in a mobile home
It’s cold outside! Stay warm inside!

That northern cold air can be unrelenting in the depth of winter. In addition to winterizing your home, here are 8 tips to help you keep warm during these brutal months.

Double Check Your Skirting

If you notice your home feels cooler than usual, you may have a gap in the mobile home’s skirting, allowing cold air to blow under your home. Not only would this breach create cold air in the home, but it could also cause a frozen mobile home pipe.

Roll A Beach Towel for the Bottom of Doors

In some cases you can get a cold draft coming from around and under the entries. An easy and cost-effective temporary solution is to roll up a large towel or small blanket and line the bottom of each entry. Also, closets can sometimes be the culprit, too, so give those interior doors the same treatment.

Cook, Cook, Cook

Whenever the mercury drops and I’m in need of a warmup, I go to the kitchen. Turn on the oven. Heat some water on the range. And then hang out a bit and figure out what to cook. That way you have a good excuse to keep the fires burning.

Steps to Keep Warm in a Mobile Home Eat Hot Soup
Make fresh vegetable soup to help heat your kitchen and warm your belly.

Soup is a Winter Salvation

Canned soup can be really good. But the best way to make a soup is to use every bit of odd little leftover you can find. I’m pretty sure that’s where soup was born, so stick with tradition, tidy up the fridge a bit and create a delightful mix of warmth and nutrition. Fill a big pot with stock or broth and find a colorful mix of vegetable, beans or noodles – Whatever your preference!

Today was green bean, cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, onion, ginger and brown rice with a nice blend of spices, including fresh rosemary, thyme and sage. Just let it simmer and enjoy through the day or plan for a sit-down meal.

Baked breads how to stay warm in a mobile home
Fire up the oven and bake some breads for a secondary heat source in your mobile home.

Baking for Warmth

Whether you’re putting oven time into lasagna or some fresh breads, keeping the oven warm with a bit of simmering water on the stovetop creates a secondary heating source, and one that will put some moisture back into the air. Just like during summer humidity makes the air feel warmer, you can make the same sensation work to your benefit.

When you’re done actively baking, leave the door open a bit while the oven cools. Warm your hands next to it if you must!

Bathe and Shower

Hot foot bath keep warm in a mobile home
Treat yourself to a personal spa day. Engage in self care and help heat your home.

The bath and shower can be a good source of steam, just as we said added moisture from the stovetop can add a measure of comfort during cold days. And, of course, creating a bit of a spa in your master bath will help reduce stress, raise body temperature and generally wash away the achy cold you may be feeling. Even taking a simple warm foot bath can go a long way toward staying warm. Throw in some essential oils or aromatic spices to further soothe you.

Heat a Space to Stay Warm

You want to keep your entire house reasonably warm, if for no other reason than to fend off the creeping cold air.


Warm beverages and blankets to keep warm in your mobile home
Pick your favorite warm drink and curl up with a blanket.

Your goal is to keep yourself and your loved ones not just reasonably warm, but to stay comfortably warm in a mobile home. So if you can close a couple doors, pull in a couple dividers or hang a few blankets… You see where we’re going with this. Find your most comfortable spot. Get out the space heater. Plug in the electric blanket. Shine the heat lamp.


OK, all of this at once might get a bit excessive. But, with weather reports that show severely low temps, who wants to take a chance?

Heating pad, hot water bottle? And your favorite hot beverage. Nurture the inner warmth.

Let There be Flame

Keep warm in a mobile home soothing candles
Keep warm in a mobile home with just a little bit of light here and there.

Clearly, if you have a fireplace, get it started. And if you were just reading ‘heat that space’ above, make right next to the fire place the spot and you will be in pretty good shape. But, more so, there’s something about flickering light that makes us feel warm. So, in a safe spot, light a candle or two. And be grateful for warmth.

6 Possibilities for Where to Park Your Tiny House

Park Your Tiny Village Farm Austin Texas
Tiny home parks and RV villages are great places to spend the night while on the road.

Some Thoughts About Where to Park While Touring in a Tiny Home, Park Model or RV

Convincing someone in our current economic climate to reduce their environmental impact and financial constraints is no problem. Many people would live a minimalist lifestyle if they were given the opportunity. However, any tiny home builder or tiny house dweller will tell you that we get asked one question more than any other. “Where do you park your tiny?

The issues have shifted from “Why would anyone want to live tiny?” to “I want to live tiny, but how?”

Please know that there are wonderful groups and individuals who dedicate their time to furthering legislation to make tiny living legal in all 50 states. However, we aren’t there yet.

This means research always is your best tool. First, it is important to know local zoning and coding restrictions and regulations.

However, to help the droves of people who are sold out for tiny life but feel held back by parking restrictions and state by state illegalities, here are six realistic parking possibilities for your tiny house.

Park Your Tiny, Tip No. 1: A Tiny House Community

Thanks to a few pioneers in the tiny house movement, tiny house communities are popping up all over the map. These are a diverse group of landowners who are leasing out spots –some full-hook-ups and some boondocking — to tiny house owners. Many are laid out like you’d imagine a campground set up. Though most are focused on sustainability, so they may have a shared garden space, a shared recreation room, and even garage storage for outdoor adventure gear. Others are more wooded and offer privacy and seclusion.

park your tiny friendly cities ADU Austin
Park your tiny home in a friend’s back yard.

Park Your Tiny, Tip No. 2: A Friend’s Property

The rule always applies to do your research. However, in some big cities where land is scarce, such as Austin, Texas, people are moving their tinies into the backyards of friends who are already established. Since Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) were made legal there, and real estate is astronomically priced, this provides a passive income stream for the homeowner and a perfect place for you to park your tiny.

Park Your Tiny, Tip No. 3: Your Own Land

This can be shaky ground, so tread lightly. Perform your due diligence with research in your area. Tiny houses are only legal for full-time living in California, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon and Texas. That being said, even within some cities in Massachusetts, you may only park a tiny home in the backyard of a house where the permanent residence has been established for at least two years.

So the answer here is clear: Do Your Research. Start at the top within your municipality and ask questions. Otherwise, check out the other options for where to park your tiny. Remember that park model homes have less trouble parking, so those may be easier to park on your own land without any potential for municipal backlash.

Park Your Tiny, Tip No. 4: RV Campground

Not all tiny house communities are RV friendly. Much the same, not all RV parks are tiny house friendly. However, legally, if your tiny home has been built by a manufacturer who certifies them with an RV or RVIA certification, an RV campground cannot turn you away. However, there are other stipulations to research, such as your size. For instance, most national parks disallow any rig overnight if its length exceeds 42 feet.

Park you tiny agricultural
Agricultural lands across the country represent a good place to stay the night if needed, particularly in areas where there are existing camps or villages for seasonal workers.

Park Your Tiny, Tip No. 5: Agricultural Land

In many states that frown upon tiny houses, folks get around by parking on land that is zoned for agricultural purposes. Many farmers hire seasonal workers who pull an RV or set up small campsites or cabins, not much is said to disrupt these more long-term parkers.


Park Your Tiny Home Boondocks Desert
Hit the open road in your tiny home or RV. The open land out west can be perfect for taking your home off into the boondocks.

Park Your Tiny, Tip No. 6: Boondocking

If you prefer a more off-grid lifestyle, boondocking may be your thing. It is easy to escape the city life, especially out west, by driving until you are perfectly secluded. In this case, you want to be certain you aren’t parking on private property. Also, ensure you have rations for water and propane, as well as a backup generator in case of inclement weather.

Anyone who lives tiny will tell you that parking is the biggest fear for potential buyers. However, they also attest to know very few folks who have been asked to move. As long as you do your research, and be mindful of your location, living tiny can be the dream you’ve always hoped it would be for you.

What is a Modular Home?

What is a modular home? Modern
Most people think of modern design when they think of modular homes. But modular homes can come in many designs and with a variety of features.

Modular Homes vs Other Types of Factory Built Homes, Such as Manufactured Homes.

So What is a Modular Home?

A modular home is built in a factory to the local or state codes where the home will be placed. Most often, construction of a modular home starts with a steel frame for the wood floor joists. Wood wall frames are built at an adjacent station and brought to the floor and pinned in place. Modular construction takes advantage of all the same materials used in site-built homes. When the modular home is complete, it’s divided into “modules” and trucked to the site where it will be placed.

Often, a crane is used to put the modular home back together. When the modular assembly of the home is complete, the home is hooked to utilities, and appointed with any additions, such as garage, carport, porch or decks. From there, the home is inspected and approved for its occupants. With a bit of landscaping, the modular home can fit seamlessly into a site-built residential neighborhood.

What is a modular home? Custom
Modular homes can come in any known style, and can be custom built to a homebuyer’s preference.

What is the Difference Between a Modular and Manufactured Home and Other Types of Factory-Built Homes?

A modular home is quite different in several ways from its factory-built counterparts. While all are built in climate-controlled conditions, a modular home is built whole and separated into modules for delivery and installation. On the other hand, manufactured homes are built to federal HUD Code in one complete home section at a time. Those sections, or “floors”, are delivered whole and sometimes married with other whole sections to create multi-section homes. Multi-section homes often are called “double-wide”, “triple-wide”, or even “quadruple-wide“. Park models are constructed to RV code, which legally makes it an automobile. The tiny home industry continues to evolve and has an emerging code and regulatory environment of its own. Take a look at our in-depth breakdown of the differences between manufactured vs mobile vs modular homes for additional definitions covering factory-built homes.

Modular Home Prices Versus Site Built Homes

Pricing comparisons between factory-built and site-built homes can be difficult to obtain, largely because the size, dimension, materials, and amenities of each kind of home can vary so greatly. However, a modular house can reduce the cost of construction per square foot by as much as 30 percent compared with a similar site-built home. The cost-saving comes from efficiencies associated with building in a climate-controlled environment. Building a home indoors means fewer materials lost to wind and damp, wet or freezing weather. Indoor builders can work on a much more predictable schedule than site-builders, too. Additionally, bulk purchasing of standard construction materials, hardware and appliances can result in considerable cost savings.

Also, the efficient use of materials and reduced waste results in not just cost savings. It’s better for the environment too!

What is a modular home? Ranch home

How Long Does it Take To Build and Deliver A Modular Home

Most times a homebuyer can be living in their new modular home within six weeks of ordering the home. Of course, the more custom modular homes can take longer in construction and setup. Also, depending on where you buy, an individual builder or plant location may have a backlog of orders. If that’s the case, your home may take the same amount of time to build, but it won’t arrive as quickly because there are other homebuyers’ orders ahead of you in the queue.

What Are the Limitations for Construction of a Modular Home?

There are very few restrictions for what can be done using factory-built home construction. Typically, the only restriction for modular homes is related to the amount of land available for it to sit on. Many local and state building codes have height restrictions as well. Therefore, anything taller than the common height for a 2- to 3-story home may be outside of code for a home placed in a municipal residential neighborhood.

That said, we at MHVillage have heard mention of a nearly complete modular home for sale in Connecticut that will have 13,000 square feet of living space and hit the market with a $5 million price tag. That’s not your typical modular home!

What is a modular home?
What is possible with modular construction? Nearly any type of home can be built using modular construction.

What Does a Modular Home Look Like?

This is where things get interesting when considering a modular house. There is no “look” for a modular home. Any home that can be built also can be built in modules, or built whole and separated. One of the trends is toward modern modular homes and simple design. But if you want a Dutch colonial, Tudor, Italianate, cabin, mid-century-modern, farmhouse, ranch… the list goes on. You can buy a modular home that fits nearly any style or configuration.

What is a modular home basement?
A basement foundation for a modular home.

What Kind of Foundation Can I Have For My Modular?

A modular home can be put on any kind of foundation that is permitted by local or state code for residential application where you’re placing the home. If you want to place the home on a slab, the installers will remove the metal frame that is the starting point for the wood floor joists and anchor the home to your concrete slab foundation. If you want a basement, the site will be dug out prior to home delivery and setup. The foundation and basement walls will poured and the home will be anchored to the top of the basement walls.

What is a modular home? Interiors
Modular interiors are very versatile, and can incorporate anything that’s commonly used in a site-built home.

So, How Do I Know What Kind of Modular Home to Get?

Most modular home builders have sophisticated computer programs that allow their customers to plan their home and do virtual walkthroughs before the construction process begins. A homebuyer can click through and try myriad textures, colors, materials and looks. This includes everything. You can start with the style of home, such as a two-story walkout. And then pick among modular home floor plans. Or you can begin with the floor plan, or even design your own floor plan. From there you might want to decide what kind of lighting fixtures would you like. Do you want a green vinyl exterior, or faux red brick? High-efficiency windows? Vinyl, carpet or laminate flooring? White frame and glass cabinetry, or a dark solid wood? A built-in mini office? A dog bath in the mud room? The options are limitless.

And you may get a sneak peek of your new modular home! Some modular home builders provide a live feed of the customer’s home being built, or even allow the customer to visit the factory during their modular home build.

Do Modular Homes Come with Appliances in Place?

Yes, in essence. During that same planning and design phase with modular homes for sale you will be able to select what type of fixtures and appliances you want. Choose colors, dimensions, gas or electric stove top, energy-efficient and otherwise. The appliances will be secured in their shipping box inside the appropriate portion of the home during deliver and set up. When the home is assembled, appliances are opened and hooked up in place.

What is a modular home? Fixtures
What is a modular home? All of the comforts you can imagine in a traditional, site-built home.

Where Can I Buy a Modular Home?

You can buy from a modular home retailer or direct from a modular factory. Regardless, you want to purchase the home from a builder that has a plant approximately 100 miles or less from where you want to live. One of the primary expenditures in the purchase of any factory-built home is the cost of transport. To save on delivery cost, you want to purchase from a plant that is as near as possible.

Can I Get a Mortgage for a Modular Home?

Yes, a modular home is eligible for traditional financing, including a home mortgage. A homebuyer also can finance the build with a land-home package, or a construction to permanent loan, depending on a customer’s needs and desires.




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