Search Alerts on MHVillage


Ideal Home Search Alerts MHVillage

Looking for your dream home?

We can help!

MHVillage offers “Ideal Home Search Alerts” for the manufactured homes on our site. That might be the perfect tool to get you started!

We all have that master checklist of what we want in our dream home, be that location, the size, community type and other interests.

Search Alerts for the Ideal Home 

When you are looking for a mobile home specifically, there are key factors you want to include. There are things like Community type, 55+ versus All Ages, or you could want a model home from a manufacturer to move to private land. There are just so many different options to choose from, it helps to narrow your search.

The Search Alert tool on our site is designed to let you enter your own individual criteria and then receive notifications when homes that match are listed on our site.

So, How Do the Search Alerts work? 

All you have to do is go to MHVillage and select the “Find Homes For Sale” option from our menu to the left.

Manufactured Homes For Sale

From here you enter your location and continue selecting any additional features that interest you.

At the bottom of the page, you will see a check box to start receiving alerts.

Immediately, the site will direct you to a search results page containing the homes currently on our site that match your criteria. You also will automatically begin receiving emails from us containing homes both already on the site and any newly listed homes.

Can I create more than one Ideal Search Alert?

Yes! You can create as many as you would like via the same steps mentioned above. You also can edit your alerts at any time via your account page.

If you have any additional questions about how to use MHVillage to find your dream home, please contact us at customer service!

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